Aug 9, 2010

Connecting with source

Connecting with source by Wayne Dyer
some notes from Wayne Dyer's link:

… how ready am i to keep that connecting link absolutely corrode free?
… When you change the way u look at things, the things u look at change.
… Our source is spirit.
… Self realization - be consciously connected with our source.
… Self actualizing people must be what they can be.
… When you are in spirit, you are creating.
… The last pocket u wear will not have any pockets.
... All of our illness, scarcity, problems.. - all of this stuff will go away if we connect with our source.

You cannot get sick enough to heal one person on this planet
You cannot get poor enough to make one person wealthy on this planet
You cannot get confused enough to un-confuse one person on this planet
No amount of your feeling bad… can help
When you say you are feeling bad, you loose your connection to source. What happens is, you create something called resistance, and we have emotions which becomes - sad, worry, anxiety - use this emotion as a system/barometer to say to ourselves: what kinds of thoughts am I having that is keeping me from being in rapport with this field of intention.

And at any moment that you're not feeling good, we are attracting exactly the opposite from what you would like to attract your life - you are using this to keep yourself from feeling good, and feeling God.

Obstacles to getting there -- to vibrational harmony:

1. Ego - learn to stop being offended. There's many people who's looking for an occasion to be offended. Be aware of the perspective that we can choose to see from.

2. The energy of your life - everything and every thought that we have is energy and affects our energy. eg. Stop putting substances into your body. Alcohol, ill energy people, food. Spiritual energy is healing energy.

3. The way we talk to ourselves - the creative source in our life reacts to our belief in shortages with a fulfillment of our belief. The source will keep fulfilling whatever shortages we fulfill in our belief. Instead, when things are not working - say & think from the end. Watch the resistance, choose to be at peace, and keep connecting to source.

"As a man thinketh, so is he." - Old Testament


What does it look like?

The 7 faces of Intention

The Face of CREATION
- its my intention to live my life with intention - how much can you summon?
- don't die with your music still in you
- start by thinking about it
- if you don't know what you want to do, find a way to be of service

The Face of Kindness

The Face of Love

The Face of Beauty

The Face of Abundance

The Face of Receptivity


What do i do to keep connected: 

1. Want more for others what you want for yourself
2. Think from the end - see yourself in the vision you want
3. Be an appreciator - value people
4. Be in rapport with source energy - state of harmony
5. Avoid resistance - every thought uncreative, eg. fear judgement, are all resistance
6. Contemplate - surrounded by the conditions which we want to produce
7. Understanding the path of allowing
8. Practice radical humility - connect to divine source
9. Be in constant gratitude - be generous & grateful
10. Avoid condemning. One cannot resolve problem with condemning.


We know that by the very nature of the creative process that we are one with this originating spirit. And therefore we are also one with all of its principles.
And therefore our contemplation of this, this source, as the power which we want, gives us the ability to use that power. And the way that we use this process is to contemplate ourselves as surrounded by the conditions which we want to produce.
~ Thomas Travard

In the universe, there is an unmeasurable and indescribable force, which those who live of the source call intention - and that absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link.

Sorcerers are not only concerned with understanding and explaining that connecting link, but they are especially concerned with cleansing it of the numbing effects brought about by all of the concerns of living at ordinary levels of consciousness.
~ Carlos Castaneda

All matter originates and exist only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force that existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.
~ Max Planck

I am the source of all material and spiritual worlds. Everything emanates from me.
~ Bhagavad Gita

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