Nov 26, 2008

My homework

My HOMEWORK: and my affirmation

1. Make my yoga part of my morning ritual.
Get to bed 15 minutes earlier so my yoga practice does not cut into my sleep time.

2. To sit down with my weekly calendar and cross out activities that is not serving me anymore (be brutally honest).

3. Find support for my home practice - practice with a member of family or a friend.
Practice with a class, or video. Being held accountable by others can get you to the mat on the dreariest of days. I know once I get to the mat, the magic often takes over after a couple of minutes, and I'll find yourself vibrating with the music of yoga.

Ideally, to start early, sitting and gradually waking up, go into listening to my body on what to practice.

Asana practice, pranayama, and meditation would follow.

What a great way to start the day — centered, awake, internal, and listening.

Because taking that time for myself helps me be more present, grounded, patient and open to the little moments of joy.

inspired by rodney!

Bringing My Yoga Practice Home

Today i realised, I had nearly forgotten why I loved yoga so much.

Inspired by Rodney's words...
yes, now it is up to me to recreate and rediscover the magic that had been revealed. Many years of home practice is the answer, going into my own body and asking it to be my teacher. Listening is the practice of yoga. Nothing replaces the home practice. It is a time when I can find my own rhythm, my own breath, my own revelations. It is where the genuine knowledge arises.

"I was told early on that in science, when one invents something, everyone benefits and can utilize that invention; however, in spiritual practice you must discover the wheel on your own. Get on your mat. Colleen and I can inspire you, but you have to sweat your own prayers."

courtesy of Rodney, Cofounder of the Gaiam Yoga Club