Mar 26, 2010

R ~ Smile like a Millionaire

i remember one of my many precious lessons in Sept 2005 ~ "smile like a millionaire".

its free, it makes me happy and it brings joy to others.

and i remember my college crush - because the guy had a very sunny smile.

the most difficult thing i find is smiling at those who do not like to smile, or do not smile back. when i'm in my smiling mode however, no long face will stop the smile from being contagious!

oh, how wierd that even a person is usually not sincere, but when one smiles, there will be a gradual growth in sincerity. ; D becos its contagious, its a blessing to oneself and others.

oh, how is it that many tries to achieve so much in life - spiritual, mental, physical, wealth, etc etc.. but with such a painful face! haha.

and also in my himalayan yoga experience, there was a repeat of words i loved - remember to tell my forehead to smile!

and i must always remember to smile more so others will smile with me. even when i have stuffy nose!

my highest service and offer to those around me is to keep smiling. so if u see me not smiling, pls smile at me! thank you in advance for doing so.


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