May 7, 2009

My Poem ~ Wipe every single drop away

Haunting sounds chills the cold still night
When the wind flute hums a lull-laby

How it must feel for those with none on their side
with no divine friendship in light, no family in sight

In the streets, come day or night
Kinship a plenty, but trust is shifty

But O' Behold ... when you look closely,
For there is a sign ~ a hope in sight!

For every tear drop, is never forgotten
For every tear drop, is interdependent

Sometimes when a blessing is in disguise,
It is hard to recognize

But there will be,
A very special night

when the full moon shines,
when the energy arise!

Joy glows at high tide
Peace beckons upon reflection

The years of tears now caresses the shore
Perhaps a thirst quenching oasis’ for all

If Thy raindrops could wipe
every single drop of your tears away

Let her fall, let her fall,
let her fall ...

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