Mar 13, 2005

L ~ Humility n Curiosity

The antidote to pride is humility, which does not mean to humble oneself but instead means to give up vanity and pretense and consider realistic appraisal. The benefit of true humility is that it prevents later 'egg on the face' disgrace as well as self destruction.

Humility means accurate, realistic assessment and awareness of limits and parameters.

Exploration is innate to mankind, and its highest levels lead to spiritual inquiry. This brings up the Qs of who am I, what am I, where did I come from, what is the origin and destiny of the self, and who and wher is God.

With humility, this curiosity can be an advantage to the spiritual seeker as a useful servant. Without discernment, however it can lead to serious pitfalls, blind alleys and useless distractions. This is where a true teacher is necessary.

taken from I, Hawkins, p116, 117

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