This is my reflection on my view of being a woman in this century.
It is important to cherish, honour and respect oneself so that others will cherish, honour and respect us too.
Especially being a woman, and if you're living in a society that believes that women have a duty to fullfill as a homemaker to serve the family ONLY.
In the Asian mentality, it is still strong, as they will judge the women's ability and capability with how much housework she does, how well she does it and how well she takes care of the family and extended families stomachs!
This is a traditional way of thinking. This is not equal in rights, perspective and love. This is also not cherishing honouring and respecting women as a full human with their own potential. This is a mere tradition in which has been engrained into the belief system of Asian society's mentality.
And if you do not fare well in their judgement there will be critics and criticism as long as you're alive.
In my opinion:
It does not align to Empowerment
It does not align to Higher Love
It does not align to Expansion
It does not align to Inclusion which is a form of love
It is a forceful way although it is not spoken
It is a condescending perspective of preaching love with a one way mentality
It is an opinion and judgement in which is not agreed upon therefore,
It removes the confidence out of the woman's full potential
It does not expand but reduces a woman's full potential in mental, and spirit
It is a form of exclusion and unnecessary abuse (depending on how serious).
I believe in women's rights. I will stand for it.
I believe every woman have a right to education, to a career, to a choice, and can choose and is respected for that.
If you are a woman, don't ever give yourself away like that.
We all have a life, and a birthright. We all have one life and our life is just as worth standing up for as any other man's life.
Cherish Honour Respect.
It is not difficult, it is all about mentality. It is an old traditional mentality that should be abolished.
I am stepping away from this from now on.
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