Dec 30, 2010

R ~ Being a Channel

Being a Channel

I am love, and I represent love.
I transcend the human world, I can give love to all. 
It is my channel from above and love comes through me to you.
Sometimes I represent healing too. This is quite natural to those who allow themselves to be channel. You and all have all these qualities too. Thats why we attract.

Thy love will not stop, and its not a possessive kind of love. Let it go. Love with no expectation. It doesn't matter. Its there always for you when you or others need it. 

~ by Si-Y

Dec 22, 2010

Ethics intersects etiquette

Ethics intersects etiquette. Our act has an ethical component, since it requires attention and consideration.

"The principal form that the work of love takes is attention."
—M. Scott Peck

"A human moment occurs anytime two or more people are together, paying attention to one another."
—Edward M. Hallowell

"Every action done in company, ought to be with some sign of respect to those that are present."
—George Washington

We must be as courteous to a man as we are to a picture, which we are willing to give the advantage of a good light."
—Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."
—Paul of Tarsus

The Three Strikes of Incivility
The rude act—a lack of acknowledgment—causes harm in at least three ways. 

1) It may inconvenience others in some way in the act. Since the acknowledgement was needed for a reason.

2) Dismissal of other's presence is telling others "their existence didn't matter. The loss of face can make one perturbed and resentful.

3) If one being rude at - feels that they should do something to redress the slight, this will perturb them as well. They will wonder whether if they really want to bring the issue to the person's attention. Is it worth the while? Will an unpleasant exchange ensue? Is the incident going to escalate? If they don't react, is it being cowardly? 
So, rudeness begets conflict with others but also conflict within ourselves, and the latter can prove as hurtful as the former.

We can, however, do without the invisibility game. It is insincere and petty. Let's at least nod each other into existence. And let's not play another game, either, that of waiting to be acknowledged before acknowledging in turn. I hope that we will always have enough self-esteem to feel that being first in greeting doesn't entail loss of face.


Acknowledge others' existence, their importance to you, their feelings, and the things they do for you. Acknowledgment comes in many forms: remembering someone's name, paying a thoughtful compliment, summarizing what was just said for a newcomer to the conversation, holding a door open to let someone through, welcoming, thanking, and just plain saying hello. A simple "Hello" or "Good morning" is the most basic form of acknowledgment. 


and Going through life rude and angry can make you sick.

source is from

Dec 19, 2010

My Poem ~ Kitty Maui

Here's my first try...

I stand and stare at her time to time,
she twirls her tail to say 'au revoir' every time,
she means ~ I care for her existence more than she does for mine
And yes she does that all the time!

When I stand and stare at her, I ask, 
should I not have a life, oh what am i doing here? tsk!
for everything she does is usually quite the same, 
yet, amazingly, I adore her simple silly game!

so, i suspect this is how mother nature turns the wheel 
does creation exist when our will strikes a deal
do we will ourselves to exist as individuals, so thus we exist,
or are we created for another, who wills us to exist?

I stand and stare at her this beautiful Sunday,
a challenging affair ~ a good shower day!
A WHAT?!! Oh! As always, she throws a fit!!
Well, her greatest fear comes even at a sprinkly bit!

I stand and stare at her now at midday
she purrs thankfully, her warmth reflects the sunny rays 
poised to show off her glowing whites, yes! a big basking day
to stay clean, cuddly, soft and fluffy, I hope thats her only agenda today!

Years ago, I stood and stare at her before, 
a lost tiny kitty in a busy food court, frantic on fours ~
with orange fur, white chest and socks, crying away
frightened, shaken, no Mummy to take her away.

I stood and stared at her ~ a long fateful day for me
I'm still allergic to fluffs no matter what, you see,
What a joke this'd be! But I was tempted to see
If co-existence could work ~ if it was meant to be.

Dec 18, 2010

only God can make a tree

I think I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth's flowing breast
A tree that looks at God all day
And lifts her leafy arms to pray
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair
Upon whose bosom snow has lain
Who intimately lives with rain
Poems are made by fools like me
But only God can make a tree.
Joyce Kilmer (1886-1918)


Dec 11, 2010

R ~ My Personal Legend

I am here to be an instrument, a channel of love ~ to be ONE ~ with the essence of love, beauty, peace and bliss.

In my journey I will experience ~ Abundance, Success, Breakthrough, Love, Peace, Surrender, Joy, Wisdom, Trust, Truth, Clarity, Focus

To be what I am Born to Be. To serve the highest purpose, is to live my story.

Why this is important to me:
A person who wishes to begin a good life should be like a man who draws a circle. Let him get the centre in the right place & keep it so the circumference will be good. And let a man first learn to be fix his heart on God and then his good deeds will have virtues. But if a man' heart is unsteady, even the greatest things he does will be of small advantage ~ by Meister Eckhart

What I can achieve and apply it through/to
• Self & Spiritual Centeredness
• Loving & Sharing - all the experience
• Yoga Union study of anatomy, therapy & movement (physical & energy form)
• Art - breaking beliefs in those who says 'I cannot draw!'
• Writing and drawing spiritual experiences



o Infinite Spirit, 
recharge this body with thy cosmic energy, 
this mind with thy concentration and
this soul with thy ever-new joy.
O Eternal Youth of body & mind
abide in me forever & ever.
~ Paramahansa Yogananda 

I am bountiful, infinite joy
I am precious, deserving & complete

Be true to yourself, honour yourself & be faithful to yourself
Live your life in the fullest


What I can do constantly:

1. Get back into yoga. Practice. Search. Study. Practice Practice. Practice.

2. Be Present. Tap into being an instrument. Through art, music, writing, my presence to continuously love and share that.

3. See if I can incorporate art & spiritual eg. Marine Series and Tree Book Project and get sponsorship to publish them.

4. Remember to visit spiritual & new places.

5. Savings for all that!


To David Deida's Way of the Superior Man - these 3 questions:

1. What is your deepest purpose? To be a clean unblocked channel of love.
2. How do you need to live so you can die complete? To live being this channel - doesn't matter to whom, to what, through what instrument.
3. What are you willing to be responsible for?  What I manifest in my life - the love i have & can give to others. I can only give this when I am attune within.


What is my current blockages - its in my body. and uncenteredness.

When i am stiff, inflexible, unhealthy, un-attuned, i will not be able to live my purpose. Therefore, I need to cleanse the body, be in spirit, be in one to be able to be this channel. 

When I am centered, I see the rightful path.


A Personal Legend


A personal legend is the path we decide to take that fills our heart with enthusiasm. It is the path of our dreams. 
~ Paulo Coelho


- What is the Personal Legend?

- It is your blessing, the path God has chosen for you here on Earth. Whenever a man does that which gives him enthusiasm, he is following his Legend. However, not everyone has the courage to face up to his own dreams.

- Why is that?

- There are four obstacles. The first: he has heard, right from childhood, that everything he wishes to live is impossible. He grows up with this idea, and as he acquires age, he also accumulates layers of prejudices, fears, guilt. There comes a time when his Personal Legend is so deeply buried within his soul, he can no longer see it. But it is still there.

“If he has the courage to unearth his dreams, he then faces a second obstacle: love. He now knows what he desires to do, but he thinks he will harm those around him, if he gives everything up to follow his dreams. He does not understand that love is an additional impulse, not something which hinders one from going forward. He does not understand that those who truly wish him well are longing for his happiness, and are ready to accompany him on this adventure.

“After accepting love as a stimulus, a man faces the third obstacle: the fear of the defeats he will encounter along the way. A man who fights for his dream suffers far more when something doesn’t go well, because he cannot use the famous excuse: “oh, well in fact that wasn’t exactly what I wanted anyway…” He does want it, and knows he is putting everything into it, and also that the Personal Legend is just as difficult as any other path – the difference being that your heart is present on this journey. So, a warrior of the light must be prepared to be patient at difficult times, and know that the Universe is conspiring in his favor, even if he does not understand how.

- Are the defeats necessary?

- Whether necessary or not, they occur. When he begins fighting for his dreams, man has no experience, and makes many mistakes. But the secret in life is to fall seven times, and rise up eight times.

- Why is it important to live the Personal Legend, if we are to suffer just as much as others?

- Because after having overcome the defeats – and we always overcome them – we feel much more euphoria and confidence. In the silence of our hearts, we know we are worthy of the miracle of life. Each day, each hour, is part of the Good Combat. We begin to live with enthusiasm and pleasure. Very intense and unexpected suffering begins passing faster than apparently tolerable suffering: that drags on for years, eroding our soul without us noticing what is happening – until one day we can no longer free ourselves of the bitterness, and it accompanies us for the rest of our lives.

- And what is the fourth obstacle?

- After unearthing your dream, using the power of love for support, spending many years with the scars, a man realizes – from one day to the next – that everything he always wanted is right there, waiting for him, perhaps the very next day. Then comes the fourth obstacle: the fear of realizing the dream he has fought for all his life.

- That makes no sense.

- Oscar Wilde said that we always destroy the thing we love the most. And it is true. The simple possibility of achieving that which we desire causes the soul of the common man to be filled with guilt. He looks around, and sees many others who have not succeeded, and so he thinks he does not deserve it. He forgets everything he overcame, all he suffered, everything he had to renounce in order to come this far. I know many people who, when they are within reach of their Personal Legend, make a series of silly mistakes and do not attain their objective – when it was just one step away.

“This is the most dangerous of the obstacles, because it has a certain aura of sanctity about it: to renounce to joy and the conquest. But if the man is worthy of that which he has fought so hard for, he then becomes an instrument of God, aids the Soul of the World, and understands why he is there”.


more good links:

Dec 10, 2010


1. Energy drain: Other people's expectations
Are you living someone else's dream for you? You're putting out energy but starving emotionally. The other person gets all the satisfaction.

Energy move: Declare independence
You bought in; you can set yourself free. No confrontation needed, just "I don't have to expect that of myself." Worst-case scenario: Someone who's not you will be disappointed. You will feel wonderful.

2. Energy drain: Loss of self
As kids, we had to play by the rules; our unique energy got caged.

Energy move: Personalize your life
Ask yourself, If it were up to me, what would I...hang on my wall? Wear to work? Do for fun? Find the pockets of freedom where you can be more yourself.

3. Energy drain: Deprivation
Duties and responsibilities fill your days. You gain weight trying to get emotional energy from food.

Energy move: Add pleasure, beauty, fun
Satisfying experiences, large and small, are the real nourishment you crave. Plan a big treat to look forward to—and a little one every day.

4. Energy drain: Envy
We often don't feel envy directly—but we might find someone else's good fortune depressing.

Energy move: Count your blessings
Comparison is a loser's game. Look at what you have, and actively feel grateful. (P.S. That person you envy—you don't know how messy her life really is. Chances are you wouldn't want it if you had it.)

5. Energy drain: Worry
When you worry, you think you're dealing with things, but you're just suffering. Worry never comes up with good ideas. It torments and exhausts us.

Energy move: Get going
Action is the cure for worry. Do one thing that brings you a step closer to coping. If it's the middle of the night, get up and write a to-do list.

6. Energy drain: Unfinished business
Unmade decisions and postponed projects drain you.

Energy move: Do it or dump it
Forget the perfect decision—just trust yourself and make a choice. Put projects in an appointment book. If you can't find any good time, that's a signal you don't want to do it. So don't.

7. Energy drain: Overcommitment
You're always saying "yes"—to your boss, mother, kids, friends; to requests, favors, meetings.

Energy move: Say "yes" to yourself
Tell someone else "no" every once in a while, just to feel your own power. You'll gain a whole new sense of your ability to take care of yourself.

8. Energy drain: Holding on to loss
Fresh loss is an emergency. But old losses you can't let go of are dead weight.

Energy move: Cry all your tears
Indulge in big-time mourning. Take off from work, stay in bed, and do nothing but cry till you're dry—and bored. Then go out and embrace life.


Dec 7, 2010

To yourself, Respect

To your enemy, forgiveness
To an opponent, tolerance
To a friend, your heart
To a customer, service
To all, charity
To every child, a good example
To yourself, respect

by Oren Arnold

Dec 4, 2010

what i long for?

compiled some text from a list of articles..

... What we long for, what we believe is possible for us.

What is my intention?
Each decision we make, each action we take, is born out of an intention.

Remember what we care about most, we're searching for our deeply held core vision....

love to battle powerlessness


Always feels bad
Motivates grasping
Seizes control
Insists on certainty
Needs everything


Always feels good
Motivates liberation
Relaxes control
Accepts uncertainty
Needs nothing

Nov 30, 2010

Vajrasattva Mantra

The definition of negative karma: any action that results in suffering, usually an action motivated by ignorance, attachment or aversion.

The actual practice comes with visualization of the Four Opponent Powers: (with explanation added) (A shorter 'summed' up content)

The Power of Regret
The Power of Dependence
The Power of the Remedy: Mantra Recitation
The Power of the Promise

...but its good to have the mantra in our space even if we are just reciting the mantra without the visualization.

Long Mantra
om vajrasattva samaya
manupalaya, vajrasattva denopa titha,
dido me bhava, suto kayo me bhava, supo kayo me bhava,
anurakto me bhava, sarva siddhi me prayatsa,
sarva karma su tsame, tsittam shriyam kuru hum,
ha ha ha ha ho, bhagavan
sarva tathagata, vajra mame muntsa,
vajra bhava maha samaya sattva ah hum phet

Short Mantra
om vajrasattva hum

Nov 22, 2010

Manjusri mantra

This mantra is believed to enhance wisdom and improve one's skills in debating, memory, writing, and other literary abilities. "Dhīḥ" is the seed syllable of the mantra and is chanted with greater emphasis.

Mañjuśrī (Skt: मञ्जुश्री) is a bodhisattva associated with transcendent wisdom (Skt. prajñā) in Mahāyāna Buddhism. In Esoteric Buddhism he is also taken as a meditational deity. The Sanskrit name Mañjuśrī can be translated as "Gentle Glory"[1].

A mantra commonly associated with Mañjuśrī is the following:
oṃ a ra pa ca na dhīḥ  (pronounced as Om Ah Ra Pat Sa Na Dhih)


Nov 18, 2010

chinese horoscope

Dragon 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000
Assertive, energetic and talented are all words to describe Dragon personality. They generally enjoy robust healthy and tent to be very successful in anything they turn their hand to.

Snake 1929, 1942, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001
Intelligent and highly intuitive are two of the many fine flirtatious streak. The Snake is very lucky with money and is fond of the odd bed or two. He is quick witted and enjoys reading, music and occasionally the paranormal side of life.

Horse  1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002
Fun, Charming and attractive sums up the Horse's traits perfectly. They love parties and crowds and being the centre of attention. The Horse is a considerate and protective friend and partner and when in his company, there will always be excitement around the next corner.

1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003
Graceful, optimistic, kind and easy going would describe a Goat personality. They can be charming without revealing their true feelings. The Goat is very talented and imaginative and can turn his hand to most creative pursuits.

1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004
The Monkey is playful, lively, fun and a quick thinker. They get bored very easily and find it hard to settle down to doing any one thing. They are ambitious and usually very good with investing money. With their quick wit and wonderful sense of humour, they are a great party guest. The Monkey's life will never be dull and predictable!

Rooster 1933, 1944, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005
The Rooster is always popular, extravagant and creative. They are wonderfully loyal friends and give advice freely, whether they are asked for it or not! Family means the world to the Rooster and they are fiercely loyal to those they care about.

Dog  1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006
The Dog is wonderfully hard working, a perfectionist and someone who loves the small details. They are one of the most honest and loyal signs of the chinese zodiac and will always go to bat for a worthy cause. The Dog is a fantastic listener and his advice is usually very intuitive.

Pig  1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007
The Pig is an innocent, sweet and lovable personality. The Pig loves the company of others, and adores parties, gossip and chit chat. THey are highly intelligent, but prefer to keep this side of their nature under wraps.

Rat 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
Rats are charming, elegant and clever. They're also also thrifty and very good with handling money. Family and close friends are exceptionally important to them. The Rat is charming beyond words and throughout his undoubtedly long life he will always be popular long life he will always be popular and will  have many friends.

Ox  1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
Sturdy, earthy, non nonsense; that's the Ox. Affectionate and easy-going, he is neat, tidy, quiet and studious, with a great love of his home. Music can be a great love. Family life and a loving partner are high on the Ox's priorities. A wonderful loyal friend.

Tiger  1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
Magnetic, passionate and grand! When the Tiger does anything, it's noticed! On the one hand generous, flexible, honest and truly entertaining, one has a friend for life with a Tiger.

Rabbit  1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
Cuddly, warm and affectionate are the attributes of the Rabbit. Mysterious and a great party-giver and host, the Rabbit enjoys being the centre of attention once in a while. He is also one of the luckiest signs in the Chinese astrology chart.

Nov 14, 2010

R ~ The Power of Ripple Effect

Today evening, i saw a bunch of people fishing at the Punggol jetty. Usually if there are fishes caught, these fishes are put into buckets. i would walk by, chant and blow into the water. May they be reincarnated peacefully.

but today, there was one particular incident. a 'rough' family with 2 restless young boys. The mum catches a baby fish now, removes it from the hook whilst it gasps for air for these few minutes. The boy's tub has one other slightly bigger dead fish which looks like a flatten baby box fish. I stood there and watched how excited he was. Into the tub, the mum drops the little fish.

then, i hear him say, 'i want to - i will cut it.'

I was surprised to hear that so i exclaimed as if curious, 'but its alive!'

The mum stands at his side, she squirms and say 'i won't want to see this.'

Within the next second, he catches the 6cm fish, he snips off the tail with two snips at different angles. I stood there in horror and shock as the mum watches her son do so. You can see the little fish now although not dead or bleeding, out of whack with balance - now thrown back into the small tub, unable to comprehend what had just happened, still gasping for air, now turning upside down.

The snipping had probably totally disturbed the lateral line of the fish - the central line that divides the fish lengthwise.

Now, I check a link on the net which says

"The lateral line is a sense organ used to detect movement and vibration in the surrounding water. It consists of a line of receptors running along each side of the fish."

So, can it feel pain? I don't know, but it sure looked painful to me. This reminds me of the trends and likes of people who enjoys eating the Indonesian famed fish dish - where they deep fry a live fish into hot oil - I'm guessing, they deep fry with chopsticks to hold the body in a twisted way so that it shapes up perfectly when served on the plate. The mouth is wide open - as if gasping for air. And whilst it's served, the fish's head is still breathing, gasping.

So, can it feel pain? I don't know. I certainly was in pain seeing how a human kid was behaving - overall as a whole - his respect/disrespect of another living being, causing harm to another, although ignorantly. But many of us aren't that ignorant. I'm sure the mother wasn't ignorant to what would become the end of the fish's short life span.


The next thing the boy decides to do is, he grabs the fish and throws it back into the sea. I suppose the fish will either drown from the rocky waves and lack of proper oxygen exchange in the gills - or just be eaten by another - perhaps this is the luckier option. the faster perhaps the better?

Eventually i had to let my horror subside. I also tried to withhold all comments that rushed in line into my brain which probably came from the experience of shock - come on - I just witnessed the existence of the same species called human being - but one of which seemed to have lack in values - values that i thought would not even exist in the animal kingdom. Animals kill to survive. To eat. Or for territorial instinct. To be fair, I have seen cat's play for pleasure, but I did watch a video based on a true story on how we can teach a cat to not kill too.

I reflected and figured i was meant to see all of that - so as to remind myself to continue my practice.

To remember that there are some things i can't change and that is the course of life in others, in myself perhaps. But more importantly, what it reminded me off is what i can do - and hopefully this is true - to elevate ignorance, but only through my practice, because we can't teach others how to be kind when they are not interested or ready. (i used to place wishes that others will feel the same pain that they had caused and placed upon others especially if it was intentionally.)

Is somebody up there trying to show me something? I can remember Kangyur Rinpoche's teaching of the cycle of life, the nature of reincarnation - how through rebirth, we might be carrying a child which was our enemy in the past who caused us harm, and we might be cruel to a dog whom is a reincarnation of our mother in the past who loved us with her life.

In the world of duality, samsara, the endless cycle of life, i am limited. i can only achieve this or that much.

I guess I could do my practice - mantras, be mindful and discipline my mind. Use the law of attraction to lead and walk my talk. Peace through practice, peace through mindful action, focus and concentration to speed things up. Thats all i can do.

Today i saw this ignorant horrid act, because i was meant to see it, so that my practice will strengthen..

The ripple effect is like cause and effect and it will continue as long as humans and beings exist.

~ by Si-Y

Nov 6, 2010

The 8 Human Talents

by Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa, Intro page

The 1st Chakra  - Organs of Elimination
Human Talent: Acceptance
Color: Red
Shadow Emotions: Resentment, Rigidity
Element: Earth

The 2nd Chakra: The Sexual Organs
Human Talent: Creativity
Color: Orange
Shadow Emotions: Passionate manipulation, Guilt
Element: Water

The 3rd Chakra: Navel Center
Human Talent: Commitment
Color: Yellow
Shadow Emotions: Anger, Greed
Element: Fire

The 4th Chakra: Heart Center
Human Talent: Compassion
Color: Green
Shadow Emotions: Fear, Attachment
Element: Air

The 5th Chakra: Throat
Human Talent: Truth
Color: Blue
Shadow Emotions: Denial, Abruptness
Element: Ether

The 6th Chakra: Third Eye point
Human Talent: Intuition
Color: Indigo
Shadow Emotions: Confusion, Depression
Element: None

The 7th Chakra: Crown of the Head
Human Talent: Boundlessness
Color: Violet
Shadow Emotions: Grief
Element: None

The 8th Chakra: The Electromagnetic Field (Aura)
Human Talent: Radiance
Color: White
Shadow Emotions: None
Element: None

I found her priceless wisdom approxi in 1998...

Nov 5, 2010

Lesson summaries No. 12-17

Lesson Summaries (by P.Yogananda)

Lesson No.12

Look at life unmasked. Observe the perpetual current of emotions and thoughts that arise within you. Examine the heart of your aspirations, ideals, hopes, and despairs. Analyze the root of your cravings. Life manifests itself through these channels, and so it is that these fundamentals demand understanding, through intelligence, wisdom, and love.

From the emotions, the feeling in your heart, arise both thought and action. Quicker that thought is the action that springs from feeling. But the mind must view this as a spectator, and retain control.

Sorrow has no objective existence, no being of its own. It does not arise out of the conditions of life; it is not inherent in conditions. It is born of spiritual ignorance and the infirmities of the mind. Essentially, conditions are neither good nor bad; they are always neutral, seeming to be depressing or encouraging, according to the understanding attitude of mind of the individual.

Duty is not imposed upon man by some superior power. It is the inherent urge of life toward progression; therefore, duty calls for attention and intelligent action. Every problem that waits for a solution at your hand is a solemn duty imposed upon you by life itself. Any escape from problems, physical or mental, is not an escape from life, but only delays your progress and is a source of further discomfort and evil.

Anger defeats its own purpose. It usually arises out of a feeling of ineffectualness, inability to impose one's own will, or selfishness of one form or another. It is a poison both physical and mental. Its method is that of fools, for it is a destroyer of peace and harmony, and arouses wrath, resistance, and resentment in others. When you recognize anger coming over you, know it instantly for what it is - that is half the battle won. Control your speech, saying nothing. Be alone for a few minutes if possible. Think of the offender as your brother who has acted in ignorance and whom in your heart you really love. Protect your peace by calmness. Destroy anger by metaphysical reason, for ignorance is the mother of anger. It is also helpful to take a cold shower, or apply ice or cold water to the medulla oblongata, temples, between the eyebrows, and on top of the head.

Knowledge and training can be imparted from one person to another through the subconsciousness during sleep state. It can be imparted to an unborn baby through the subconsciousness of the mother. In the wakeful conscious state, people learn and absorb the vibrations through the specific company they keep and through conscious will. Spiritually developed parents could bring about heaven on earth by bringing into the world only spiritual children. That is a personal responsibility.

Lesson No. 13

Rules for acquiring prosperity:
1. Cut down luxuries.
2. Think of yourself and, by meditation, know yourself as a child of God.
3. Think of all nationalities as your brothers.
4. Most important of all, seek prosperity for others and they will seek prosperity for you.

Lesson No.15

Do not use your body, mind, or soul for perishable joys of Spirit. Repeat to yourself the prayer at... Always affirm any prayer understandingly, with ever increasing devotion at each repetition. Your soul should approach nearer to God with each thoughtful repetition of a prayer of affirmation.

Remember, you often do not do what you wish to do, but what your habits compel you to do. Good habits are automatic psychological machines, which do not require the effort of will in performing specific actions; they help to make easy the performance of these actions. Bad habits that compel you to do evil should be destroyed.

Though habits are compelling, yet you must remember that it is YOU who create them. If you create bad habits, you can dislodge them by creating good habits. A habit grows from the repetition of an inner though or in response to some outward company. Therefore, if you want to break an evil habit, change your bad company to good company, and substitute good thoughts for evil thoughts. You can never break a bad habit if you keep feeding it by bad company, wrong thoughts, and evil actions. Remember the temptation of bodily pleasures - - never fed, they are ever satisfied, and ever fed, they are never satisfied.

THE POWER OF HABIT - A specific type of company, or a specific thought repeatedly presented to the mind, influences the will, feeling, brain, and muscular mechanism of the body. Record like grooves are formed in the subconscious mind, which by memory and the medium of attention repeats the playing of the record of a mental habit. To yield to your bad habits is to make your enemies stronger. To yield to good habits is to strengthen your friendly forces, which help you to do good without effort.

Cultivate the spiritual habit of meditating with zeal, and you will reach God easily. Remember, you are the sole creator of your good or bad habits. Till the soil of your mind with discipline.

Above all, remember:
1. Form the habit of deep meditation.
2. Form the habit of doing good to others.
3. Form the habit of being moderate in everything. Cultivate a good character.
4. Form the habit of eating properly; taking enough exercise; and planning healthy, wholesome undertakings.
5. Form the habit of making practical, creative efforts that produce the necessary prosperity.

Remember the spiritual law of habit, and do not let material habits crowd out spiritual habits. Good habits must work in harmony, so that they cooperate to work with your highest good. Never neglect the most important habit of meditating for a less important habit of eating, or doing something unimportant.

Lesson No.16
Concentration is the power to focus the mind on any desired line of thought.
Meditation is the concentration used only to know God.

Concentrate and meditate early upon waking and before going to bed, or anytime you are free. Fill in the gaps of leisure hours with meditation. If you can be quiet anywhere, meditate anywhere; but if noises disturb you, try to select a quiet place, or wait for the silence of the night, for meditation. Or create your own silence by closing the ears when meditating. Act ambitiously, discharging your necessary duties with your mind constantly meditating upon God. Select a little room, or a screened-off corner with harmonious vibrations, for your meditations. Sit on a woolen blanket spread over an armless chair, facing the east, when meditating.

1. Keep the mind busy with good activities and meditation.
2. Keep the vital fluid transmuted into muscular and brain energy. Don't waste it in bad company.
3. Keep the breath calm by eating less carbon-producing food, and by entirely abstaining from beef, veal and pork products.

If the mind is calm, sex and breath will be under control. If character is good, breath and mind will be calm. If you have breath control by the technique we shall teach, then mind and sex will be under control. If you disturb any one of the three, you will disturb the others. Disturb sex control, and mind and breathe will be restless.

Lesson No. 17

While in church, do not concentrate upon the social making a disturbance, but concentrate upon inner peace and on the sermon being preached. God talks to you through the voice of silence and peace in meditation, if you don't drown out His voice by the noise of your passions. With the whip of intuition, drive away the money-changers of material desires and restlessness from the temple of meditation, which is the real house of God.

Whatever your vocation may be - that of a businessman, a spiritual aspirant, a housekeeper, an artist - you can increase your efficiency of hundred percent by the regular, deep practice of meditation. Don't let anything interfere.

Life force in the nerves keeps the soul entangled with the messages of the sensations in eyes, ears, hands, and so forth. When life force is plucked from the eyes and cut off from the hands the consciousness of the body, then its direction is reversed and it becomes focused on the omnipresent God. Concentration means freeing the attention from sensations, present thoughts, and memory thoughts by consciously switching off the life force from the sensory-motor nerves, thus preventing thought-rousing sensations from reaching the brain. This detachment of the mind from body consciousness is similar to that experienced in sleep, except that one remains consciously aware.

Lesson No. 18

Read again and again the explanation of concentration. When you try to concentrate upon one thing, you usually find that soon you have forgotten all about it and are thinking about everything else but the original object of your concentration. This is often experienced when you are thinking of a domestic problem at home or a business problem at the office, or a spiritual problem in the church. Forget the old method of concentration by diversion, and learn the scientific method of concentration. Remove the causes of disturbances that affect your concentration and apply the scientifically freed attention on anything you wish - - material or divine.

Lesson No. 19

God reveals Himself to those who develop their inner powers and use the laws of concentration and meditation. By using the law of thermal-control, heating systems have been invented. By controlling life force and the power of concentration, God can be discovered. But remember, though God can be approached through law only, still He, being above law, cannot be compelled to reveal Himself to the true seeker by the mere force of the law of concentration. Devotion or surrender of the Son-Soul to the Father- Spirit is necessary for the devotee demanding absolute surrender of God. God can escape the small nets of discrimination, pure activity, or concentration but He cannot escape the net of devotion. When the devotee completely gives himself to God, then God has to do likewise. God is very exacting when divine laws are concerned, but he is forgetful and becomes intoxicated and relaxed when He is given the nectar-wine of devotion. God loves to drink devotion from the secret winepress of the devotee's heart.

Approach God with the song of smiles. Silence signifies the silencing of one 's thoughts as well as one's tongue. That is really possible during sleep; therefore it can done during wakefulness also, by practice of higher methods of concentration. There are threefold of disturbances:

1) sensations;
2) thoughts aroused by sensations;
3) past memory thoughts roused by present thoughts.

Oct 31, 2010

Test and hurdles by Aisah

~ i like the words of aisah aziz @ my dear yoga teacher, who always has a big beautiful joyful smile!

If life is too easy you will not grow, you will never succeed, you will never improve... you will take life for granted... what is the meaning of life if it is such as.... ;) enjoy life's every ups and downs... enjoy every hurdle, for they mould you to be who you are in the future... what does not kill you will only make you stronger ;) ♥ and oh know one thing, this hardship, uneasiness too will pass.... and along comes another test :D

freedom of will

When your will is perfectly free to choose through wisdom, that is freedom. To tune in with a soul whose will is guided by wisdom is to find freedom of will.

Paramahansa Yogananda, Lesson 45 - lesson summaries

Oct 16, 2010

Shantideva’s Bodhicharyavatara Dedications

May all beings everywhere
Plagued by sufferings of body and mind,
Obtain an ocean of happiness and joy
By virtue of my merits.

May no living creatures suffer,
Commit evil or ever fall ill.
May no one be afraid and be belittled,
With a mind weighed down by depression.

May the blind see forms
And the deaf hear sounds.
May those whose bodies are worn with toil
Be restored on finding repose.

May the naked find clothing
The hungry find food;
May the thirsty find water
And delicious drinks.

May the poor find wealth,
Those weak with sorrow find joy;
May the forlorn find hope,
Constant happiness and prosperity.

May there be timely rains
And bountiful harvests;
May all medicines be effective
And wholesome prayers bear fruit.

May all who are sick and ill
Quickly be freed from all their illness and sickness.
Whatever diseases there are in the world,
May they never occur again.

May the frightened cease to be afraid
And those bound be freed;
May the powerless find power
And may people thinking of benefitting each other.