The main purpose of yoga ultimately is to be in union with the Light within you where you can find infinite source of complete joy, peace, pure love, and bliss. They call this God, the healing light, and its within you.
Yoga practice is internal very much like Buddha and his moral teachings in his wisdoms. So, yoga is not a religion or religious (unlike religions which does rituals externally and calls God's name in vain).
Yogi's do not pray to a icon God or person or request us to beg from God. Its a way of living where we are aware and we choose constantly to walk with the beauty of God and in devotion to this awareness.
My story of why i go and how i found i found yoga:
Walking through life without being at peace due to my own imbalance of emotions or thoughts, its not easy to be happy. All tangible materials that are all around us do not last forever hence I wanted to find a true source continuos peace and happiness if they was any.
There are 4 main parts of The Paths of Yoga they say to bring you to this ultimate Union and source of infinite peace. And below is a breakdown of that,
and under the 4th path, the Raja Yoga, i've elaborated with what most good complete and balance yoga courses will teach.
Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Raja Yoga
Karma — the yoga of action, the the path for outgoing nature. It purifies the heart by teaching you to act selflessly, without gain or rewards. By detaching yrself from fruits of yr actions and offereing them to God, you learn to sublimate the ego.
Bhakti — is path of devotion, good for those emotional in nature. Motivated chiefly by the power of love and sees of as the embodiment of love. Thru prayer, he surrenders himself to being a channel to God to transmute his emotions into unconditional love or devotion.
Jnana Yoga— yoga of knowledge, wisdom, requires tremendous strength of will and intellect. Before practise of Jnana, lessons of other paths are integrated. Otherwise the search for self realization thru the mind can become mere idle speculation.
Raja Yoga — the path of physical and mental control. Comprehensive method for controlling waves of thought by turning our mental and phsycial energy into spiritual energy.
Compiled by The sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras Bible, the Eight limbs of Raja Yoga are a progressive series of steps or disciplines which purify the body and mind, leading the yogi to enlightnment. They are
1. Yama (Restrain) — divided into 5 moral injunctions aimed to clear the lower nature: non-violence, trusthfulness in word, thought and deed, non-stealing, meoderation inall things and non possessiveness.
2. Niyama (Observances) — divided into 5 qualities are purity, contentment, austerity (study of sacred text), and constantly living with an awareness of the Divine Presence.
3. Asanas — postures
4. Pranayama — regulation of breath, restraint of breath
5. Pratyahara — drawing the senses inwards inorder to still the mind in preparation of the next step:
6. Dharana — the act of concentration, act of holding, keeping the mind collected
7. Dhyana — meditation, contemplation, reflection, attention
8. Samadhi — englightnment or superconsciousness
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